Why are my gums bleeding?

Do you notice your gums bleed when you brush and wonder if it’s normal? Should you worry?

Bleeding gums isn’t normal. While it can be nothing serious, it can also be a sign of an underlying health issue. You’ll want to know what’s causing it to address and keep it from happening again.

Here are possible reasons why gums bleed or bleed easily when you brush or floss.

  1. Gum disease. Gum disease occurs when plaque remains on the teeth and gumline. Plaque is a bacteria-laden film that hardens into tartar and causes bleeding gums. It can cause gum irritation, swelling, and infections. Mild gum disease is reversible with good oral hygiene habits. Daily brushing and flossing can effectively remove plaque. Periodontitis, however, is an advanced stage of gum disease requiring deep cleaning, gum disease therapy, or surgical treatments available only at the dental office.
  2. Medication. Prescription medications can be another possible cause of bleeding gums. Blood-thinners reduce the ability of the blood to clot and can make you bleed more easily. Advise your dental team in SE Calgary during routine oral checkups if you’re taking any medications or are diagnosed with any health condition. Your dentist can recommend ways to reduce gum sensitivity and bleeding caused by prescription blood thinners.
  3. Lack of vitamins and poor diet. Vitamins and minerals are essential in keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Vitamin C, for example, boosts your immune system, increases your body’s ability to heal, and strengthens teeth and bones. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to increased irritability, weakness, and bleeding gums. Vitamin K, on the other hand, helps with blood clotting. Without enough vitamin K, you may experience bleeding problems.
  4. New toothbrush or flossing technique. Brushing aggressively with a hard-bristled toothbrush can cause bleeding and receding gums. If your gums bleed after flossing, it may be due to your flossing technique. Don’t floss for a few days and see if the bleeding stops. Your dentist or dental hygienist can show you the proper technique and recommend gentler products for your teeth and gums.
  5. Poor oral hygiene habits. Poor oral hygiene is the leading cause of gum disease. You might think about taking a break from flossing or brushing when you see your gums bleed, but doing so may only cause the bleeding to worsen. Healthy gums don’t bleed. When you brush and floss daily and keep up with your routine dental checkups, you’re more likely to keep your teeth and gums in great shape. You can avoid plaque from lingering too long in your mouth and prevent or stop bleeding gums.
  6. Poor-fitting device. If you’re using an oral appliance, such as dentures, you may sometimes experience sensitive or bleeding gums. An improperly fitting appliance can irritate the gums and cause bleeding. Let your dentist know immediately if you feel that it’s the cause of bleeding. Then they can adjust your appliance or take new impressions and replace your existing appliance.
  7. Misaligned bite. Misaligned teeth can also cause the gums to bleed. Pressure is put on the tissues and bones when teeth aren’t in their ideal position. If one area keeps enduring all the heavy work, the jawbone will deteriorate and cause receding gums. That area can become more prone to bleeding gums.

These are only some of the possible reasons the gums bleed easily. By practicing good oral hygiene habits and seeing your dentist in SE Calgary regularly, you can maintain healthy gums and prevent oral health issues. Your dentist can also let you know whether you need to see a specialist for potential underlying health problems.